Click here for GA Pre-Registration
MMC’s 51st ANNUAL ASSEMBY will be happening soon! Yes you read it right… We will be conducting our Annual General Assembly. All attendees in Camiguin area are required to adhere proper health protocols during the Physical GA. This year’s theme is “Resiliency Amidst Pandemic”.
We will also be doing virtual GA for our BALINGOAN BRANCH MEMBERS since we have difficulty in travelling to mainland. For those members who will fail to attend the physical GA, and those who are currently working abroad, you can join the GA virtually an we will provide you a pre-registration link.
For those members residing within CAMIGUIN please bring your CLEAN CAMIGUIN QR CODE for you to be allowed to enter the venue and to get register automatically. Please check the video below for your branch’s schedule and check our FB Page regularly for more updates. Save the date.
